Thursday, December 3, 2015

You want the simple one-sentence explanation for what caused ISIS? (Karl remarks)

Holy (@#*&$ I cannot like this enough. How can I get the entire world of people who think They hate Us because They hate Our freedom and are evil borne of sheer evil to read this? What comes from nothing? What is born in a vacuum? What is really that simple?

I don't know why*, but I feel the need to make it crystal clear that I do NOT in any way approve of these Daesh-bags. But it is critical - CRITICAL - to realize that these things don't come out of nothing. They are reactions. But to what? And why against us? Why do we as a population persist in the myth that we're just angels and a bearded white man in the sky has blessed us with exceptional qualities? Why do we believe we're entitled to everything on Earth and there's no recourse? Everyone is either our resource or our enemy?

I really truly ask this - not rhetorically - especially for those who deeply believe that centuries of oppression are just bygones, that ongoing crushing of land, spirit, and people are somebody else's problem - or it doesn't matter because it only happens to faceless brown hordes of non-English speaking non-humans.

There will be no considered answers. There will be no road to Damascus moments. Because this is the Internet. The medium is flat. Our discussions aren't just flattened - they're polarized because humanity is stripped from these stupid comments. They become artificial binaries (us vs. them; we're right, they're wrong; clash of civilizations; G vs E), and everything is supposed to be completely and properly conveyed in one pithy, ironic meme.

If your philosophy is small enough to fit on a bumper sticker (or a meme), clearly you need a new philosophy. Daesh is not a simple problem - it's a systemic problem with wide and deep roots. Simple solutions - especially those that turn to violence (physical, emotional, spiritual) are absolutely guaranteed to fail. You CANNOT bomb and murder people until they love you. IT DOES NOT WORK. And for those who still think killing "them" is the right answer - how's that working out for you so far?

Still with me? This blog is public. Share it. I would really like some answers.

*Probably because this is the Internet, and more people are spoiling for an easy fight than looking for hard understanding.

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